Monday, July 28, 2014

Choosing Bridal Jewelry

Choosing bridal jewelry is a task for any bride, making their head spin. So, if you are a bride-to-be, then choosing bridal jewelry is one of the tasks that should be on the top of your mind. Here are certain questions that you should ask yourself before buying bridal jewelry -

Do you want to wear your bridal jewelry again? If the answer to this question is yes, then you try different, elaborate and unique sets complementing your dress. But if the answer to this question is no, then go for jewelry that will complement your regular wear, as well. Selecting pearls or diamond earnings in this case will prove to be the best option as they complement formal office attire along with other dresses. 

What is the budget of bridal jewelry? Before selecting any kind of bridal jewelry, set yourself a budget that you must not exceed. Many times brides spend an extravagant amount on their bridal jewelry only to realize later that they are not to wear that jewelry ever again. 

Shopping for bridal jewelry can be a confusing task with plethora of options available in the market. So ask yourself these relevant questions before purchasing your bridal jewelry

What’s Your Jewelry Style

Every bride is different and so is her jewelry. So, when you go out there to buy your bridal jewelry, know the types of jewelry that will give you different looks on your wedding day. There are two types of brides with their own unique fashion tastes preferring different styles of jewelry:

Classic bride: If you like things elegant and simple, then you are the classic bride. Brides, who want to look eternal, prefer wearing pearls and diamonds with minimalist look. The gown holds the central position as you want all eyes to be on your gown rather than your jewelry. Going simple with minimalist will create a perfect classic bride look for you. 

Modern Diva Bride: You are the modern bride who isn’t afraid of experimenting with colors and bold designs. If you recognize yourself with it, then bold crystal designs in varied colors in varied colors can do the trick for your perfect bridal jewelry. In these cases, buy your jewelry first and then find a bridal grown that complements it later. 

So, select your bridal jewelry in Toronto to complement your style on your wedding day with the bridal jewelry that will make you look like belle of the ball. 

Royal Bridal Jewelry Wedding Style

If you want to look like royalty on your wedding day, then wear it in their style. The Duchess of Cambridge’s Catherine Middleton is the modern age royal bride who wore timeless jewels to look elegant on her wedding day. Jeweled in Cartier “halo” tiara to support her veil, she looked classy and elegant. The tiara was gifted to Queen Elizabeth II on her 18th birthday by her mother. Kate Middleton wore the royal tiara on her wedding with Prince Williams. 

To complement the tiara, Kate Middleton’s parents gifted her bridal earrings designed like oak leaves that had a pear shaped diamond set drop in addition to a pave set diamond acorn suspended in the centre. Interestingly, she did not wore any neckpiece, which is opposite of a typical bridal jewelry set.  Instead she wore a high neck bridal gown with heavy embroidery on it. The high neck of the bridal gown filled the neck area and the missing neckpiece was not felt by anyone. 

So, if you want to look different with bridal jewelry in Toronto, wear a tiara with matching drop bridal earrings that compliments your tiara, to look like royalty on your wedding day.  

Diamond Jewelry for Men

Men and jewelry have not been synonymous as many men are afraid to wear diamond jewelry. A popular belief among men is that diamond jewelry is only meant for women. However, unlike the widespread image of diamonds among men, they can be worn by both men and women. 

Men’s and women’s diamond jewelry differ in their styles and designs. While women’s diamond jewelry is delicate and dainty, men, on the other hand, like wearing bold designs. So, if your man likes wearing jewelry, you can present him with  designer jewelry set in diamonds that will look bold and masculine. 

1. Celtic Designs: These designs are inspired by Celtic ancestry and come in rings, bracelets, necklaces and cuff links. This style of jewelry is attractive and yet conveys deeper messages of love and eternity for people who wear them.

2. Black Jewelry: Diamonds doesn’t have to be set in gold. There are various options for metal with diamonds such as tungsten carbide, stainless steel and titanium. These rings look give an industrial and bold look to diamonds when worn by men.   

Diamond’s Rich History

Diamonds has been long associated with mankind with a rich history that dates back to thousands of years. And after all these years, their value has never faded away. Various societies’ used diamonds for various purposes. But its synonymy with engagement rings started in the 15th century. The first diamond engagement ring was presented in the late 1400s by Maximilian who was Archduke of Austria, when he married Mary of Burgandy. However, it was not until the 20th century that they became a universal symbol for marriage.  Many earlier cultures held diamond in great respect, with some believing that wearing it in left hand wards off evil and accumulates fortune for the individual who wears it. 

Talking about the origins of the word ‘diamond’, it is believed that it was derived from the ‘adàmas’ from Greek language meaning unbreakable. The first country where diamonds were mined was India and then later in Brazil. Today, South Africa is the biggest supplier all over the world for diamonds. 

A diamond’s clarity is based on the 4 C’s of cut, clarity, carat and color. A diamond which is graded on a higher scale will have all of these qualities in the right quantity. So, if you want to purchase wedding ring for your beloved, diamonds are the best choice to express your love. 

How to detect a real diamond

‘Diamonds are forever’ is a true saying but only when they are real. In the glittering world of sparkling diamonds, there are many fake substitutes, such as, cubic zirconium and glass stones. So, next time while purchasing a diamond, know these little tests that you can conduct to detect if you are paying for the real thing. 

Diamonds are made up of extremely compressed carbon molecules; hence they are not prone to fogging. When you hold the stone in hand, breathe on it. If it is a real diamond, then there will be no fogging on the stone. However, if the stone is made from glass or it is a synthetic diamond, then you would be able to see fogging on it. 

Another test to detect the credibility of a real diamond is its ability to diffuse light. A real diamond refracts light unlike any other stone. When purchasing a diamond, place the stone on a printed paper. If you are able to see letters through it, then it is a fake diamond. A real diamond will diffuse the light to a degree that you would not be able to see anything on the other side except for an intense halo circling the rim of the stone.

So, know these little tests to subject the stone that you are holding in your hand for its genuineness. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Infographic: Watch for it!

The infographic titled “Watch for it!” from Classic Creations Jewellers shares information about Men’s watches. This infographic will be useful for them to know about how to wear a watch properly.